Land Siting Made Easy

View Grid Capacity, Search near by Parcels, and Create Constraint Maps in minutes for a streamlined site selection workflow.

The Leading GIS Platform For Renewable Development

No other platform offers full-scale injection studies and land analysis in one easy-to-use platform.

Automated site selection for maximum productivity

Use automated constraint analysis and filters to identify the most productive development sites available. Evaluate land size, radius to points of interconnection, and narrow down buildable acreage using the most detailed hazard analysis on the market

Save Time With Instant Injection Studies

Stop pursuing land near points of interconnection with no capacity. Now you can identify interconnections that have ample injection capacity required for your project without waiting for Injection Studies.

Faster Community Solar With Distribution Grid Mapping

Expedite your development process by leveraging DG mapping data to instantly find sub 69kV lines and substations with the only software offering nationwide coverage.

Trusted by industry leaders

Anderson Optimization by PVcase has been used to analyze over 10 million properties and helped produce over 380,000+ MW of renewable projects.

“Anderson Optimization by PVcase software has been a game-changer for how we site solar and plan projects at the preliminary stage.”

- Dev. Team, ibV Energy Partners

“Our team has gone from using Anderson Optimization by PVcase for site identification to incorporating it into our daily workflow of site analysis, as well as pulling parcel information for early-stage development activities.”

- Ben Mathes, Hecate Energy

“The database is comprehensive and with a simple-to-use interface for setting up initial projects from a transmission line asset or land asset.”

- Paul Ksiazek, Diode Ventures

See For Yourself

Speed up your early-stage land siting with a no-obligation demo

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