Anderson Optimization

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Explore Enhanced Features with AO Prospect's Latest Update

View interconnection queue data in-app

Queue data can now be viewed by enabling the Interconnection Requests by County layer! This layer is updated monthly showing all projects in the queue across the United States. In addition to showing the projects in the queue, we also show the size (MW) of the projects and the type of projects.

Reduce climate risk exposure from day one

De-risk projects from the impacts of climate change from the very start. Many developers underestimate climate change risk: a 1% annual risk of a hazardous event leads to a 26% cumulative risk over 30 years – and that’s without climate change increasing the frequency over time. To empower developers to better understand climate risk today and in the future, we’ve expanded our partnership with First Street to offer a comprehensive data package including, Wildfire Risk, Hurricane Winds Risk, and Flood Risk

Make informed decisions for any site, anywhere in the US, from the start and avoid costly financial impacts and wasted time. Additionally, stay ahead of major climate-related financial risk disclosure regulations, including California SB 261, SEC Climate Disclosure Rule, and EU CSRD

Level-up processes at your company through shared Buildable Area Analysis templates

Process consistency and efficiency are essential to successful project siting. Set up and share Buildable Area Analysis templates with others at your company so they can quickly get started with site analysis and find the sites that are right for your business’ goals.

Stay organized when configuring the Buildable Area Analysis

We spruced up the Buildable Area Analysis form to keep it organized as we improve customization options now and into the future. Each layer on the form is now inside an expandable section, and we’ve made it easier to turn individual layers on or off for analysis within each section.

Refreshed Capacity data

TVA and ISO-NE have both had their capacity updated with the latest power flow data. TVA’s capacity data now reflects the 2028 Summer Peak and 2028 Spring Light Load power flow models and ISO-NE’s capacity data now reflects the 2027 Summer Peak and 2027 Spring Light Load models. These updated data sets include allocated costs, constraint scenarios, charging data scenarios, and more! If you are subscribed to TVA or ISO-NE capacity data, you can access the latest version of the data in the layer catalog.

New U.S. Nationwide Layers 

  • BLM Solar PEIS Alternatives 1-5

  • BLM Solar PEIS No Action Alternative

  • Emitters GHG

  • Estimated Base Flood Elevation Layers (1% and 0.2% depth and extent) - select states

  • Fiber Broadband >1000/100 speed

  • Forest Canopy Height

  • Grain Belt Express

  • H2 Stations

  • Interconnection Requests by County

  • National Inventory of Dams

  • Slope Shading - 3D (ESRI World Elevation Services): Alternate layer if standard Slope Shading - 3D layers are down