Anderson Optimization

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Hidden Gems: Hecate Case Study

How innovative siting analysis helped uncover high-quality sites.

Ben Mathes, a Development Analyst at Hecate Energy, scored some big wins for his team by using the AO Prospect siting solutions platform to uncover previously unknown sites that would be a great fit for renewable development.


Hecate’s experience in siting for solar development – prior to using Anderson Optimization – closely mirrors the challenges we hear from prospective clients every day. There are myriad variables to consider and the traditional siting process often creates tedious and time-consuming work for land and siting teams.

“Before signing up for Anderson Optimization our organization’s ad hoc approach to siting made locating a site with the right characteristics from an interconnect, acreage, and environmental assessment a 3- to 6-hour process.

This approach involved looking up and down hundreds of miles of transmission lines with the hope of locating a large landowner who could be the linchpin of a larger project.”


When Hecate’s land team signed up for the AO platform, they were able to see all key data in one place and significantly improve the efficiency of their process through automated analysis.

“Anderson Optimization allowed us to streamline this process by automating the search for large landowners within the right distance of our selected transmission infrastructure.

Once a large landowner was located, the process of adding additional landowners was easy, and analyzing the site based on environmental characteristics and topo constraints took less than 5 minutes.

Better yet, once the site was created in Anderson Optimization, it was easy to pull necessary information to start contacting landowners.”


Using Anderson Optimization has enabled our organization to locate large megawatt sites in states that are often considered ‘picked over,’ and the quality of the site Anderson Optimization enabled us to identify has led the executive team to direct team members to secure more sites in the same state using Anderson Optimization.”

Whether entering a new market or trying to find sites in a familiar area, Anderson Optimization helps teams more quickly uncover high-quality sites for renewable development. Learn more about how we can help improve your team’s siting process.

AO Prospect by Anderson Optimization expedites and simplifies early-stage land siting. Easily identify ideal parcels for renewable development and automate complex GIS analysis to find high-quality sites in just minutes.

Visit for more.

Hecate Energy is a leading developer, owner and operator of renewable power projects and storage solutions. Hecate specializes in clean energy and energy storage projects, from planning and inception through construction and operation.