Inflation Reduction Act Update: Additional Guidance For The Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit 48C(e)

If your company is seeking to invest in energy communities eligible for tax credits under the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit (Section 48C(e)), we highly recommend exploring the latest map layer available in AO Prospect. This map layer allows you to efficiently identify and target these specific areas for your solar developments.

The IRS and the US Department of Treasury have released additional guidance, including:

  1. 48C Energy Communities Census Tract Locations

  2. Allocation of $4 billion in credits

  3. Introduction of the DOE eXCHANGE portal 

  4. Section 48C and 45X “facility” definitions

  5. Placed in service requirement

  6. Submittal process for concept papers and joint applications 

  7. Selection criteria used to evaluate whether a project merits a DOE recommendation

  8. Notification process for significant change in plans 

  9. Disclosure of certain information

The comprehensive update includes 100 pages of Appendices. Reference Appendix A for examples of eligible and ineligible projects and see Appendix B for a list of priority areas, including (but not limited to) solar, wind, and hydrogen. Here are the highlights: 

1) §48C Energy Communities Census Tract Locations

The DOE and NETL have published a new map displaying census tracts that are considered energy communities for the purposes of the §48C tax credit. To be considered, a project must be located in a census tract that satisfies the relevant requirements of an energy community as noted in §48C and has not received funding in a prior round of 48C.

You’ll find this data already integrated into AO under the Energy Communities (IRA) header.

💡Pro-Tip: Limit your parcel searches to these tracts by copying a tract to your project map. From there, click on the copied feature. In the pop-up, click on See Actions > Parcel Search. 

2) Allocation of Credits and Key Program Dates

The current guidance covers Round 1 of at least two rounds of funding. 4B in total with 1.6B to be allocated to projects located in §48C(e) Energy Communities Census Tracts.

The IRS will make all Round 1 allocation decisions by March 31, 2024.


Depending on applications received, the IRS/Treasury may not allocate exactly 40% of the total credits allocated in Round 1 to 48C(e) Energy Communities

To be considered:

  • Submit concept paper to IRS through the eXCHANGE portal

  • DOE will provide a letter encouraging or discouraging submission of a 48C application

    • Applicants can still apply if they receive a discouragement letter.

  • 7 days after the date of the DOE letter, DOE will begin the acceptance process for the application

  • The 48C application MUST be submitted no later than 45 days after DOE begins the acceptance process for the 48C application.

Key Program Dates

Activity Date
DOE eXCHANGE Portal Opens No later than 6/30/23
Submission deadline for concept papers 7/31/2023 by 12:00PM ET
Submission deadline for §48C(e) applications Fall 2023 - Winter 2023/2024
IRS Allocation decision notifications No later than 3/31/2024

3) Introduction of the DOE eXCHANGE portal 

Submissions will begin on June 30th, 2023. Interested applicants may download relevant materials prior to this date. 

4) § 48C and § 45X “facility” definitions 


Eligible property makes up the qualified investment that is part of the 48C facility.

Eligible property means any property that - 

(1) is necessary for production/recycling of property (48C(c)(1)(A)(i)), re-equipping an industrial or manufacturing facility (48C(c)(1)(A)(ii)), or re-equipping, expanding, or establishing an industrial facility (48C(c)(1)(A)(iii)),

(2) is tangible personal property, or other tangible property (not incl. Buildings or structural components), but only if such property is used as an integral part of the qualified investment credit facility,

(3) With respect to which depreciation (or amortization in lieu of depreciation) is allowable.

§45X Facility

For purposes of the §38 general business credit, the advanced manufacturing production credit under 45X for any taxable year is an amount equal to the sum of the credit amounts determined under 45X(b) with respect to each eligible component that is produced by the taxpayer and, during the taxable year, sold by the taxpayer to an unrelated person. 

§ 45X(c)(1)(B) provides that “eligible component” doesn’t include any property which is produced at a facility if:

  • The basis of any property which is part of such a facility is taken into account for purposes of the credit allowed under 48C after August 16, 2022. 

The 45X credit treats all tangible property that compromises an independently functioning production until that produces 1 or more eligible components will be treated as a single facility.

Additional definitions for “production unit” are forthcoming in future guidance. 

See the Guidance (pgs 6-7) for an example scenario of how these two facility types interact. 

5) Placed in Service Requirement

An eligible property is placed in service in the EARLIER of the following taxable years:

  1. the period for depreciation with respect to the eligible property begins;

  2. The eligible property is placed in a condition or state of readiness and availability for a specifically assigned function - whether in a trade or business or in the production of income. 

❗NO § 48C(e) allocation if placed in service PRIOR to allocation award.

6) Concept Papers and 48C(e) Applications

Applicants MUST use the eXCHANGE portal to submit: 

  1. Concept paper for DOE consideration

  2. § 48C(e) application

If the application doesn’t propose a qualifying project OR fails to include all required information, the DOE may decline the application or request a resubmittal of the application with the missing information.

If the DOE doesn’t provide a recommendation to the IRS, the IRS will not consider the application.

If the DOE sends a letter of discouragement to the applicant in response to the concept paper, an applicant can still submit an application, but applicants should note:

  • The concept paper and application review process are similar in their methodology and rigor. 

If the IRS denies an application, applicants can request a debriefing with the DOE.

7) Selection criteria used to evaluate whether a project merits a DOE recommendation

In general, selection criteria include:

  1. Greatest domestic job creation (direct and indirect) during the credit period

  2. Greatest net impact in avoiding/reducing air pollutants/greenhouse gasses

  3. Greatest potential for tech innovation and commercial deployment

  4. Lowest levelized cost of generated or stored energy, or of measured reduction in energy consumption or greenhouse gas emissions (full supply chain)

  5. Shortest project time from certification to completion

The four technical review criteria includes:

  1. Commercial viability

  2. Greenhouse gas emissions impact

  3. US Supply Chain and Domestic Manufacturing strengthening (net-zero economy)

  4. Workforce and community engagement

Applicants will be assessed on their chosen category and project types, listed below in brief: 

Appendix A provides illustrative examples of eligible and ineligible projects.

8) Significant Change in Plans

If a project has a significant change in plan, the taxpayer must notify the DOE/IRS in a letter uploaded to the eXCHANGE portal.

What constitutes a “significant change”? 

A reasonable taxpayer would conclude the change might have negatively influenced the DOE in its recommendation/ranking or the IRS in its issuance of the Allocation letter had that information has been presented at the time of application. 

  1. Disclosure of certain information

In compliance with the law, the IRS will publish the identity of the applicant and the number of allocated credits. 

The taxpayer can opt-in/opt out of the disclosure of additional information not required by law (i.e. project location and brief description) via the eXCHANGE portal when they receive notification of their allocation. *This choice does not impact the allocation of credits. 


1) Questions on how to leverage this layer in AO? 

Reach out to for more tips on getting the most from this layer.

2) Questions about the registration process or submitting the application via the portal? 

Email for help. 

3) Questions about the non-tax aspects of the notice? 

Submit to the Department of Energy at 

The DOE and Treasury hosted a virtual informational webinar on June 27, 2023. Additional information and resources can be found HERE


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