Updated Energy Communities layers based on IRA Updates

Many clients have reached out about integrating the latest Energy Communities layers that were provided in yesterday’s announcement from the Treasury about the latest guidelines for the Energy Community Tax Credit Bonus. If you aren’t familiar with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), you can read our full guide to Leveraging GIS Mapping Software For The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

We have integrated two new layers into Anderson Optimization directly from the latest guidance. They are in the layer catalog under the Energy Communities (IRA) section

  • MSAs/non-MSAs with more than 0.17% Fossil Fuel Employment* Their server has been spotty so the layer sometimes takes some time to load

  • (Updated) Coal Closures 

Read more about the latest guidelines and methodology here.

  1. A “brownfield site” (as defined in certain subparagraphs of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA))

  2. A “metropolitan statistical area” or “non-metropolitan statistical area” that has (or had at any time after 2009)

    • 0.17% or greater direct employment or 25% or greater local tax revenues related to the extraction, processing, transport, or storage of coal, oil, or natural gas; and

    • has an unemployment rate at or above the national average unemployment rate for the previous year

  3. A census tract (or directly adjoining census tract)

    • in which a coal mine has closed after 1999; or

    • in which a coal-fired electric generating unit has been retired after 2009

Is this the final dataset? No. They state that there will be an updated dataset released in May once 2022 unemployment numbers are released. 

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Dataset outlining energy communities across the U.S. based off part of the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) definition in relation to unemployment. Only a subset of MSAs and non-MSAs will qualify as energy communities, depending on their unemployment rate for the previous year is equal to or greater than the national average unemployment rate. Annual unemployment rates at the county level for 2022 will be released in April. This map will be updated with the MSAs and non-MSAs that had meet both the 0.17% employment threshold and an unemployment rate requirement once the 2022 unemployment rates are released. The updated dataset and map will be released in May. (Source)


New Features and Layers For Better Renewable Development GIS Mapping


Bulk Select tool added to hosting capacity maps