Product Release Notes: 4/27/22

New Features

New PDF Report: AO Report 

Export the AO Report for each parcel on a project (separate multi-page report for each parcel). Each report will include key details, including:

  • Parcel metadata: landowner name, site address, mailing address, parcel ID/APN, county, etc.

  • Image of parcel boundary on map

  • Buildable Area Analysis breakdown: buildable acres, relative % of the original lot size, map of buildable area on parcel (only if analysis has been run)

  • Hazards - there’s a page for every hazard analyzed with parcel images (only if analysis has been run)

Buildable Area Analysis Compatibility: The new AO Report is only compatible with the Buildable Area Analyses run from today’s Buildable Area Analysis version onwards (BAA 3.0.0). If you want to export the report for a parcel where the analysis was generated prior, please re-run the analysis first before exporting the report. 

Check out a sample AO Report.

Export Parcel Images in Bulk

Export high-resolution parcel images (.png files) in bulk for all parcels on project to make it simple to include images in landowner mailers, internal presentations, etc. Configure the image ratio for the desired export and download the images.  

  • Image of parcel boundary on the map (no constraints displayed) 

  • Image of the parcel on the map with constraints displayed (buildable area/hazards) 

  • CSV contents file describing information about all parcel images exported 

New project management fields: Site Control Status, Project Status, Project Technology

Get better visibility into your project portfolio and across the status of each parcel in a campaign through these new fields:

  • Parcel-level fields 

    • Site Control Status: Full Site Control, Offer Accepted, Offer Delivered, Target, Inactive, Terminated (these fields will also show up if the same parcel is pulled into a new project so you can make sure you don’t reach out multiple times to the same landowner).

    • Agreement Type: Option to Purchase, Option to Lease, Purchase & Sale Agreement, Lease - Development Term, Lease - Construction Term, Fee Ownership, Easement Agreement 

If you’d like to set up color styling to change the parcel color on the map based on each Site Control Status, please reach out to us at

  • Project-level fields: Edit these updated project detail fields and get better visibility into your market portfolio  

    • Technology - Solar, Wind, BESS (Storage) 

    • Stage 

    • Status - Operations, Construction, Project Execution, Development, Sold, Terminated, Competitor 

    • Priority 

    • Team Members 

    • Project Completed - true/false

New Settings in the Buildable Area Analysis (U.S.)

PlantPredict-formatted KML export

For users doing design and energy modeling in PlantPredict, there’s now a specialized KML export option which configures the AO site KML for easy upload into PlantPredict. Check out the new PlantPredict KML export.

Bug Fixes 

  • Fixed syncing issues between the new constraint map icon and other methods to hide/show constraints on the map.

  • Fixed issue where clicking on a layer sometimes caused the layer to move which also fixed some issues where pop-ups wouldn’t show correct layer information without zooming in and out. 


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Product Release Notes: 11/1/21